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Custom Web Application Development Company

Do you need a custom web application development?

Web applications aren’t dead! They’re as important as ever and responsive web design makes your web application accessible to more devices, people and customers. If you plan to iterate until you find a product-market-fit, use a responsive first web app development strategy to build, test and learn from new features faster when compared to building new features for mobile platforms. Modern front-end web apps development frameworks like AngularJS, Backbone and Bootstrap allow web developers to add new features to custom web applications faster than ever before.

The majority of white collar workers still work in offices and use web-based software on their laptop or desktop computers because it’s easier and faster to complete complex tasks on large screens. Whether you plan to provide your power users with enhanced features or drive customer acquisition through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), a web application should be central to your business strategy. Media and eCommerce businesses rely on SEO to drive web traffic, which increases ad revenue and sales respectively.

Our Custom Web App Development Services Process

Businesses and Founders often come to us with a set of ideas when they think of launching a custom web application. These ideas evolve into a detailed document in which application features, goals, budget, technology, vision, and future plans are listed out. The proposal is prepared to document everything that will be delivered once our custom web application development company has clarity on everything project-related.

Planning Stage

This is the first step to custom web app development. It is an opportunity to clarify your product vision and organize ideas. The kind of questions you should address here are:

What purpose is your app serving?
Who will be the user base of your product?
What would be the user expectations from your product?
What features would set you apart from your competition?

Even if your idea started out quite broad, maybe, building "Tinder for clothes" or "a local Uber," approaching product development with answers to these questions is very helpful. Our custom web app development experts will help you refine your product vision using mind maps.


It's important to hold a project kickoff meeting before your team starts working on bringing your idea to life. During this meeting, every team member meets relevant people involved in the custom web application development project and learns about their roles in the project. This ensures everybody is on the same page. The kickoff meeting is also a good time to get everybody up to speed on main communication rules, the tools that will be used throughout the project, and the schedule of meetings.‍

MVP Stage

In this discovery phase, by building software prototypes and testing different technologies and tools, you can verify the feasibility of the initial vision. This phase helps to reduce many web app development-related risks. You can pick the optimal one after trying out various scenarios. You should have a full project backlog at the end of this period—a prioritized list of tasks the team will work on in the project lifecycle.

Custom Web Application Design Stage

Product design is an important step in the custom web app development process. Many successful designs come from humble beginnings—wireframes. Starting with mockups or low-fidelity wireframes is a good way to verify whether your product is getting the right response from the end-users and whether the web app is intuitive to use.

Custom Web App Development

In this stage, frameworks are developed, security layers added, app features built, lots of other capabilities crafted, and payment gateways integrated. Software development should be supported by a framework suited to your app needs. We follow agile frameworks. The agile methodology is great for building custom web apps. A significant advantage of the agile methodology is that your web app development team can be flexible when it comes to the scope of the project and deliver value continuously.

Custom Web App Post Launch Support

The custom web application development team's job isn't done after the big launch. The team should be ready to introduce changes based on customer feedback, fix bugs, renew licenses, optimize the performance of your product, add new features according to the product roadmap, etc.

In a nutshell, that's the custom web application development process.

Why ClikTechSoftware Custom Web Application Development Company?

Our custom web application development company will proactively consult, develop, design & scale robust mobile, web & custom software solutions that deliver digital success and fuel innovation. We treat every custom web app development project as a crucial milestone in our journey. So we position ourselves as a custom web application development company tailoring impactful digital solutions with industry best practices across the board for SMEs, Fortune 500's and Enterprises around the world.

We, at ClikTechSoftware:

  • Do not assume. We arrive at answers through constant collaboration.
  • Are an end-to-end technology partner
  • Are committed to achieving, then pushing the level of performance at all times.
  • Work with accountability and ownership.
  • Excel at creativity, design thinking, and problem-solving.

Once you've outlined your idea or initial requirements, our custom web application development company will work with you to validate your product assumptions and vision. Then we get to project implementation. We are a trusted top web application development company, and your project is in safe hands.

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